
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

cinta dan hati saya adalah untuk org y benar2 ikhlas mengenali saye bukan untuk dipersendakan.....


cewah cm xley bla kn tjuk ayt 2...jiwang gile babeng,,,
hehe...actually ad significient die tjuk 2...

nk ckp bahawasenye saye pergi menonton cite syurga cinte..^__^

1st tyme ni dgn willingnye nk g tgk cite melayu kt pnggung..

sbb ad awal ^__^

2 plg penting...well cite ni pon besh sbnrnye...
byk msg2 y nk dsmpaikn...

frankly speaking,mmg xnyesal la g tgk cite ni kn..

wlw pn my fwen said...'ko pehal tgk cite cmni'.....

don care la wat people said...asl die besh...

sbb ape y ad dlm cite 2,2 la reality kehidupan skunk...

penuh syahdu...y plg xley mengs apabila menontonye..

hahaha~~ unbelieveble...

therefore,sy sgt menasihatkn jom rmai2 tgk cite 2..

ape slhnye sekali sekale lyan cite2 jiwang ni...


den nk cite ni,after blik tgk movie 2....saye demam....
sedih sungguh...

seseme,batuk,sakit tekak,n demam...
cm dtg dlm 1 package kn...

(*don ever said symptoms of H1N1 ok)

y xley bla cepat gile babeng la virus 2 melular..

Sunday, May 24, 2009

hepi beday mama!!

today is my very besh woman in my life birthday..

'Hapy Beday MAMA'

> may god owez bless u mum

> may all ur drems came true.......

> thanks fer evrything dat u have gave 2 me since i was born until now..theres nutink i can do 2 paid back all ur sacrifice fer me...only do the bes fer u n pray fer ur healthyness,happines,cheerfulness n all the 'ness..hehe...n i will...

> loves u so much mum ^__^

> below are the list dats i want to say thanks fer wat u have did n gave to me:


you are the best mum ever in my life and i would die for..

Friday, May 22, 2009

hari ini,smlm dan kelmarin......

ermmm actually nk cite y 2,3 hr lps saye bengang gle kt sorang ni,....

ish die mmbuatkn saye rse sgt cm nk bunuh je die..very anoying nk mampos..xphm la pe die nk...karut je!!!
xpsl2 nk cr gado....

y xley bla xgntle la laki gdo ngn pompan tol x....
mmg xgntle pn...

well,bak kate 'kwn bek' saye (a.k.a teman tapi mesra..hehe) bia org mengeluarkn perkataan x elok kt kite,
jgn kite bls blik..lbh2 lg pompan...sgt xmnis....emmm btol jgk ckp die

tp....masalah probnye thap ksbran mnusia ni ad btsnye...kdg2 ley sbar jgk...
sbb tbe2 je kn cr gdo...mne nk sbar....i'm becomin hot n spicy laaa....
dr elok2 mnusia dh cm nk 2ka jd hulk da...

aci x klw die je nk bahagie but die nk tgk saye sengsara...nonsence!!!!

my dear rumate saye lak ckp...'ala lin jgn lyan org psycho ni,kite jus simpati jela kt org gni'

btol3 (nada upin ipin)

k...kite tutup kes akit aty ni...klw mkin cite mkin skt aty kn...
biala die dpt pembahagian die di akhirat kelak...(huhu~ xley bla ayat)

2,3 hr lps pn saye ad pegi ke my dear college....Maktab Rendah Sains Mara,Kuantan....
mule2 smpai 2 cm agk terkejut...sbb byk da brubah...
mkin cntik la plk...ermm tp xla sgt....agk laa...
saye jaja nady atie pergi bersame2 utk mengambil sijil spm y dh basi 2...

sronok jgk sbb dpt jmpe ckg2 kiterank....^__^
ryndu bangat kt mereke...
y xley bla ckg2 ckp gni......'mkin lawa la awk skunk'

sgt2 fakta...hehehe...(ops terlbih perasan sila sedar dri)
nway,thanks to all teachers dat have teach us smpai kterank berjaye cmni..
(waa...berjaye dh ke???))

lps itu sekarang saye buzy...buat ape???
persiapan perkahwinan..hahaha~~~


huhu~~~ (sile jgn percaye ok.....seme mitos..)

yang sebenarnye adlh abg saye...haish..lps kakak abg lak..
lps ni spe lagi...seme nk kawen...
therefore,terpkse laa mensibukkn dri...
nk wt cmne kn...

++++ pas2 smlm syak msg...die ckp die dh jd most wanted..
adoiyai...ble saye lak..haish...xley jd ni...
asyik2 klh...xpe2...
kite tenang k....

jd...kesimpulannye...same2 la kite berkejesame....^__^
(ape y aku karutkn ni...xde kne mengene pn)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

lucky to becomin' home again ^__^

huhu....ahernye sampai jugak impian saye utk pulang ke rumah

agagaga ^__^

therefore,theres a lot of tinks i'm gonna do..lets makes a checklist :

1) online sepuasnye
2) ketidoran (bukan ape qodo tido je kot)
3) men game (abes kn most wanted)
4) makan!!!
5) jalan2
6) tgk movie
7) tgk tb
8) shoppink (ops bukak wallet jap...alamak duet da abes!!!)

ermm ape lg ek....????

btw, ari selase ari 2 ryte after exercise therapy practical exam (secare rakus n xsabarbnye)

i'm goin out wif mira n mis hahaha hihihi bucuk :-P kua g mid

well jus to release our tension lps mlm 2 bermatian ngn kak syira n kak aida practis et...

den we jus goin to cinema.....watching movie...(*yela klw da pegi cinema mesty la tgk movie kn xkn beli bju plak....haish...apela)

actually niat hatikn nk tgk 'terminator salvation' tp xkua lg..
pny la xtw dunie lua kn...

therefore, mira said 'jom la tgk 'star trek' hero die comel'

hehehe...dan sebenarnye apabila mendengar mira berkate demikian saye trus xpk pnjang n straight away said 'ok!!!'

lagipn xkn nk tgk bohsia kn..karut2...cite melayu...

well, the story is sooooo fabulous!!!

hehehe...satunye sbb of course hero die ensem chris pine

+++ basically the movies is about outer space...

a young encem guy a.k.a my hero (*hehehe) starring as james tiberius kirk and this
guy was really brave as brave as his father....he need to fight with romulan that been lead by kapten nero...the figthing is because of revengeful...kapten nero wants to destroy all planet as well as earth...the planet that had been destroy by nero is vulcan where spocks comes from.this spocks is the genius guy but well not fer me he is jus genius in study but not in handling a mission to fight with enemies.therefore to cut of this story la kn, of course james tiberius kirk been a kapten n fight with romulan and eventually the earth can be saved...

so to know much more better...lets u'll watch this movie

*james tiberius kirk ^__^ kawaii


lg2 pegi tyme weekdays n gune student murah g2..

(*bijak berbelanja kn2)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

perasaan boring datang lagi...

saya berase sgtla bosan tnggal di sini..(*kolej alamanda)

hari2 nk kne bc bku...alahai bole x klau xmau bace...

jadi mungkin pekara yang terbaik untuk dilakukan sekarang adalah..

menhitung hari kepulangan..ngeh3...

tp pelik...makin dikire makin banyak pulak harinye..

ble nk jd ckit ni ek...?????

(b'monolog dlman: lin ni xsedar ke byk lg exam xabes...ish...lupe diri btol)

shape2 ade idea y bernas x bagaimane nk menghilang kn rase boring y da melular dlm diri ini?

bile saye tny my dear rumate...

mis hahaha hihihi bucuk (kepada gadis y berkenan jgn mare ek)

die ckp klau boring hantuk kepale kt dinding...ish ade ke ptot...karut3....

tp persoalannye sekarang bkn ptot ke xptot atau karut ke atau mitos skalipun...

tp......maybe haha da pnh bt waktu ketika die bosan...

(wah....hebat ha bole hantuk kple kt dinding kn *nada kagum)

ape lg y bole dbuat....GOSIP???well nutink interesting topic to gosip btw..hihi~

haaaa...idea da dtg....why not watch dis guy....

*sungguh kacak insan ini...luv his car,luv his face,love all bout him...

this guy really gorgeous isnt it????hehehe.....kalau bole saye akn cari jejaka spt ini...

mintak2 la saye bley jumpe (***hehehee...leen sedang berhalusinasi nampaknye)

yes, bile bosan tgk da brape kali ye saye da katam cite y same...da bole hafal dialog lg...

jawab la

therefore, xde ape y menarik untuk dilakukan ketika bosan...sedih sungguh..sobsob,.

knela bertahan untuk berapa hari ni.....yang di mana bg saya 1 hari disini bersamaan seribu tahun...(**waaa knape lmbat lg!!)

pekara y plg xsabar+rakus adlah...:

xsabar nk abes exam bole kua jalan2 n plg penting saye mahu membeli belah!!

hehehe...kita enjoi!!! ^__^

***ok leen tinks positive...chaiyok!!..aja2!!...xlame nk abes da exam...hehehe

(yang sebenarnye ayat nk menyedapkan hati ni).....

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