today is my 1st day of clinical practice...and yet the worsen day for me...
god,now i really2 think dat i'm gonna quick from dis course...its too difficult!!!
just imagine for the first time i'm treat CVA patient by giving passive movement exercise and
the first tyme i'm touch that patient i feel like i'm having pakinson disease..well if i think back it just giving passive movt but i'm really feel too nervous...
n not only dat i'm also have difficulty to talk or mayb i having aphascia jus like stroke patient..know why 'airway' pn sy sebut slh..karut!!!!cm org xpndai english...stupid of me..
because of this matter,its makes me thinks with many kinds of things such as 'knpe la aku pergi pilih kos ni dlu','kan best klw amek kos y simple2 cth kosmetik ke','tlg la cpt dugaan ni abes'...because i really couldn't stand with it..seriously :""""(